Maybe? Hard to say if Eric is 100 percent dead as the show then jumped ahead six months.and never showed us the tall, blond and handsome vamp again. Yes, True Blood totally went there and bought property. Yes, or yes?) Alas, after Warlow is staked, Eric exploded in the sun as his day-walking powers died along with Warlow.
HBO announced today that the upcoming 7th season of the popular (and once critically adored) vampire show will be its last, offering writers and producers a chance to provide fans with the closure that they doubtlessly deserve, after sticking with the show through six eventful seasons of vampires, fairies, witches, werewolves, shapeshifters, and sexiness. True Blood Season 6 Finale Recap: 2 Major Deaths, a Time Jump and Full Frontal Nudity SPOILER ALERT: The HBO hit series closed out its 6th season on Sunday, Aug. We're talking full frontal nude here, people, where we got to see everything Eric is working with. 'True Blood' season 3, episode 12, 'Evil is Going On' finale recap: A fangtervention is in order Updated: Jan. The True Blood tap has officially run out. Sounds good, right? Too bad his death seemingly triggered Eric's, who was just minding his own business while sunbathing in Sweden.

Is it bad that we'll miss the psycho vamp?! His true colors being wanting to use Sookie purely for some S&B (sex and blood, duh)! Fortunately, Bill ( Stephen Moyer), Jason ( Ryan Kwanten) and Sookie's great grandfather Niall ( Rutger Hauer) were able to save her and kill Warlow.

Though he tried to convince Sookie he was truly in love with her and wanted to get married, Warlow revealed his true colors when our heroine asked if they could take things slow.